Successful lymphedema management requires a well-trained lymphedema therapist and a properly set up treatment environment conducive to special requirements in the care and management of lymphedema.
Lymphedema therapists can be physical therapists and their assistants, occupational therapists and their assistants, physicians, nurses, chiropractors, or massage therapists who have undergone specialized training in complete decongestive therapy (CDT).
For lymphedema management to be effective, it is of utmost importance that a trained and certified lymphedema therapist (CLT) applies the components of CDT. Certified Lymphedema Therapists undergo a 135-hour training program in a school that offers lymphedema training consisting of a minimum of 135 hours of instruction, comprised of 1/3 theoretical (45 hours), and 2/3 live practical (90 hours) in-person instruction format. The credential of Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) is earned upon successful completion of a training course.
Unfortunately, some lymphedema training schools are now offering virtual, or hybrid lymphedema certification courses that allow the entire 135-hour certification course to be taught virtually, i.e., without certified instructors being physically present, including the hands-on practical lab work (!). It is therefore important that patients suffering from lymphedema make sure that their therapist learned the hands-on treatment techniques in a live classroom setting, and not in a virtual classroom.
A tab in the header of this blog labeled “Find a Therapist” assists patients and their families in finding properly trained lymphedema therapists. It provides links to recognized schools, which provide lists of their graduate therapists; most of the schools will ask for your zip code and email address to provide results online or send names of nearby lymphedema therapists via email.
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